At Dining Hall Press, we bring skills honed at Canada’s biggest media organizations to make books and other printed items that help businesses tell their story.
Together we’ve produced more than 800 print editions as staffers at The Globe and Mail, Report on Business, Saturday Night, National Post, Chatelaine, Toro Magazine and the West End Phoenix. We’ve also worked on books published by Random House, McClelland & Steward, Knopf Canada and Rodale, and partnered with corporate clients like KPMG, Loblaws, Target and Sony.
We’re proud of the print collaborations we’ve led with all kinds of award-winning writers and public figures, including Margaret Atwood, Michie Mee, Roddy Doyle, Jamie Oliver, Michael Winter, Claudia Dey, Heidi Sopinka, Eternity Martis, Waubgeshig Rice, Shaughnessy Bishop Stall, and others.
Long-time friends and colleagues, Alicia Kowalewski and Melanie Morassutti have been working side by side since 1999. At legacy media brands and a mittful of startups, they have led art and editorial teams that do empathetic journalism, break ground on the local news scene, and make magic with words and pictures. At Dining Hall Press, they lend their editorial chops to businesses that want to tell their story in print in a moving, tangible and lasting way.